During the Frozen 2 premiere last month, Selena Gomez made sure to protect her six-year-old sister Gracie Teefey during her red carpet debut. On the BBC Radio 1 show Sounds, Selena shared that she took a moment to reassure her little sister before stepping onto the carpet. She bent down and looked at Gracie, telling her that if she felt nervous or overwhelmed, she could simply pull her hand and they would leave immediately. Selena’s protective and loving attitude towards her sister was apparent and heartwarming.
Selena Gomez fondly remembered a moment with her friend Gracie, where Gracie casually walked onto the carpet and had a fun moment with feathers. Selena wanted to join in the picture, but Gracie was simply enjoying her time. Speaking to host Nick Grimshaw, Selena expressed how amazing it felt to bring Gracie to the red carpet.
I told her, “This particular carpet is my top pick out of all the ones I’ve created.” We didn’t impose any pressure on her to participate since she had never done it before. Our main concern is ensuring her safety. However, my sister has developed a flair for drama lately and is obsessed with dresses and sparkles. Speaking on a UK radio show, the former girlfriend of Justin Bieber shared that her sister thoroughly enjoyed the experience and compared it to a trip to Disneyland.
Despite not appearing in the Frozen movies, Selena and Gracie attended the premiere dressed in matching themed costumes. The event took place at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, which is famous for hosting the Academy Awards. The success of Disney’s Frozen film franchise has led to the creation of a Broadway musical, which premiered at the St. James Theatre in the previous year.