The TV show Friends is filled with famous stars like Jennifer Aniston, known for her bright aura. The lovable characters like Ross Geller, Monica Geller, Chandler Bing, Phoebe Buffay, and Joey Tribbiani have always touched our hearts. It may seem strange to think that a lesser-known actor created the show.
Mitchell Whitfield played the role of Dr. Barry Farber, Rachel Green’s orthodontist ex-fiance, and he argues that his character was the reason the show became so beloved.
Friends Celebrated 25 Years Since Its Pilot Episode
In 2019, the 25th anniversary celebration of Friends sparked a wave of nostalgia among fans worldwide. The show has transcended generations and attracted viewers of different ages to its warm, coffee-filled universe.
The Friends Reunion the same year was nothing short of raw emotions, nostalgia, and high anticipation for witnessing their favorite TV show’s cast members together under one roof after all these years.
The anniversary wasn’t just about the show’s longevity but about commemorating an era that left a lasting impression on popular culture through its characters, dialogues, and iconic couch. Although the show ended in 2004, it has maintained charm and appeals to old and new audiences who discovered it through streaming platforms.
We all know that the beginning of Friends revolves around a crucial event. In this iconic scene, Jennifer Aniston’s character, Rachel Green, runs away from her wedding to Barry Farber and walks into Central Perk, drenched in her wedding dress. This moment marks a pivotal turning point for Rachel Green and the birth of a show that later became a cultural phenomenon.
Mitchell Whitfield Takes Credit For The Show’s Existence
Mitchell Whitfield suggests that if Rachel Green had not left Farber at the altar, would Friends have ever been the same show we all cherish and love today? Whitfield confidently claims that the show exists because of him.
“It sounds a little egomaniacal to say that I’m the reason the show exists. But when you look at the pilot, with Rachel dumping me at the altar and coming in to meet everybody, that moment was the impetus for the show.” (via The Guardian)
Rachel Green’s decision to leave Barry Farber is not just an introduction to her character but rather a pivotal moment that brings her together with the iconic group of the show. Throughout the 10 seasons, Barry Farber is portrayed as an antagonist with whom fans can’t help but sympathize.
Jennifer Aniston‘s portrayal of Green was a significant factor in the success of Friends, but Whitfield brings attention to a detail often overlooked. The TV actor suggests that Green decided to run from Farber, which led her to the group and sparked countless memorable moments of friendship, romance, and mishaps that fans have cherished for decades.
Friends continues to be one of the highest-earning sitcom series and earns $1.4 billion for Warner Bros.
All 10 seasons of Friends are available to stream on HBO Max.
Source: The Guardian