Adele – England’s “Nightingale” hated her biological father so much that even if he died, he wouldn’t even see him

Adele is known as one of the most successful artists in the world at the present time. As much as her career flourishes, the female artist’s personal life has many low notes. Two years ago, Adele divorced her husband Simon Konecki . She also did not have a happy childhood when her father left when she was young. Later, when she succeeded, Adele still did not forgive her father, and did not even come to see her father one last time when he passed away .

Adele lives in an 8.5 million pound mansion in Hollywood with her 8-year-old son, while her father, Mark Evans, lives his last days in a simple mobile home in a park in Llantwit Major. , South Wales. He battled bowel cancer since 2013 and died alone last week.

Adele - England's Nightingale hates her biological father so much that even if he dies, he won't even see him - Picture 1

Not only Adele, her younger half-brother Cameron also hasn’t seen Mark Evans in many years. Despite the pleas of public opinion and her father’s revelation of the bowel cancer diagnosis, Adele still did not let go of her hatred. Sources close to the singer believe that she sees her father’s death as a “liberation”.

Since the age of 11, Adele has not seen her father. In an interview, Mr. Mark made Adele extremely angry when he announced that his daughter inherited his and her grandmother’s singing voice, that he was a major influence on her music . Mr. Mark also guessed that Adele was unhappy in her personal life because of the lack of a father figure. Those were words Adele could not forgive.

Mark Evans has spent the past 10 years apologizing to his daughter but he never received a response. He once said that contacting the US President is sometimes easier than connecting with his daughter. Mr. Mark revealed that he texted, wrote letters and sent birthday and Christmas cards to his child, but Adele seemed to consider her father non-existent.

“I don’t care about my daughter’s famous status or money, I just want to be Adele’s father like before and be her son’s grandfather,” Mr. Mark confided.

Mark Evans’ tearful confession could not make the audience sympathize with him after knowing what he had done in the past.

In 1987, Mark Evans met Penny Adkins – Adele’s mother – in a pub in North London. At that time, Mark was a handsome, attractive Welsh worker and Penny – the daughter of a vegetable seller – was a student at Barnet College of Art.

Penny planned to go to college but had to give up her dream because she discovered she was pregnant. At this time, Penny was only 18 years old, and she gave birth to her daughter Adele in a government low-income apartment. Penny and Mark tried to maintain their relationship but failed. When Adele was 3 years old, her parents broke up.

Mark returned to Wales and worked for his father, who ran a cafe at Barry Island fair. He rarely contributed financially to raise his daughter. “Penny never wanted anything from me,” Mark explains. Sometimes I gave her money, when I could.” Adele once confirmed that her father did not provide support, but she said: “It’s okay , I don’t feel like I lack anything.”

Adele said her mother not only raised her but also nurtured her love of music and helped her take the first steps in her career as a singer. At the age of 17, Adele got her first recording contract. She once moved out to live independently, but then moved back home because she couldn’t live without her mother.

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“I miss my mom so much that I can’t really work without her,” Adele confides. Mom is my best friend.” When she won 6 awards at the 2012 Grammy Awards, Adele emotionally thanked her mother in public: “Mom, your daughter did very well!”

After her success, the singer bought her mother a house worth 600,000 pounds in London. Mrs. Penny was very happy and proud, but as a modest and private person, she never accepted an interview or bragged about her daughter to anyone.

On the contrary, at that time, Mr. Mark Evans continuously gave interviews about his famous daughter. Mr. Mark shared his deep regret about their broken relationship. In a 2011 interview, Mark affirmed that he played an important role in his daughter’s musical development: “At that time, I often lay on the sofa all night, holding Adele (as a baby) in my arms and listen to your favorite music: Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Bob Dylan and Nina Simone. Night after night, I listened to those records. I’m sure that’s what shaped Adele’s music. The music that I loved and still love to this day gave me the idea of ​​giving her middle name Blue. I always think of Adele as Blue.”

Mark added that after breaking up with Adele’s mother, he still took his daughter to stay with him on vacation: “Adele came to stay with me the summer after her 4th birthday. She brought along a small acoustic guitar she found in a charity shop. She said she was teaching herself to play by listening to the blues songs we used to listen to on my record player. Adele taught herself for many years and by the time she was 7 years old, I knew that one day she would become a big star.”

Her father’s sharing not only did not move Adele, but also made her angry. Father and daughter have not seen each other since Adele was 11 years old, so it is impossible for Mark to influence her music career. The fact that her father took all the credit made Adele hate him even more.

Talking about not seeing his daughter, Mark blamed it on circumstances. He said at that time he was immersed in alcohol to forget his father’s death from cancer.

“I drink two liters of vodka and seven to eight liters of Stella every day. I drank like that for three years. Only God knows how I survived. I was extremely ashamed of who I was and I knew the best thing I could do for Adele was to make sure she never saw me in that state,” Mark explained.

Not only did he abandon Adele, Mark also broke up with his long-time girlfriend Siobhan – the mother of his son Cameron. Later, Cameron also refused to meet him.

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Adele said the last time she saw her father was at her grandmother’s funeral and they never reconciled. While Mark responded to the press that father and son were close again and that he was the proudest father in the world, Adele never confirmed it. Until Mr. Mark expressed his worry in an interview that Adele’s relationships had broken down because he abandoned his daughter, the singer angrily spoke up: “I’m ready to start trying to have a relationship with him, but he blew it. He will never hear from me again, because nothing bothers me more than my father being bribed by the press. How dare he comment on my life. He said: I love her very much!. Really? Why did you tell me that through a newspaper? If I meet him, I will spit in his face.”

Adele’s father felt deeply hurt by his daughter’s “cruel statement”. But Adele said she could do it. She did not invite her father to the wedding, did not tell him about her husband Simon Konecki or announced that she was pregnant and gave birth to a boy named Angelo.

Every time he has the opportunity to give an interview to the press, Mark still says how proud he is of Adele and only wishes the best for his daughter. But he was still never forgiven. In 2013, Mark had cancer and he said father and son had reconciled. However, at the 2017 Grammy Awards, Adele once again announced that she had no relationship with her father. When receiving the award, the female singer thanked her manager: “We have been together for more than 10 years. I love him like my father. I love you very much. I don’t love my father, that’s true.”

Before 2019, Mark Evans worked as a driver for a transport company with a salary of 50 pounds per day and lived in a rented apartment in Bridgend, South Wales. He then moved to Ham Manor Park and lived in a mobile home there. Mark doesn’t need to pay rent, in exchange he acts as a babysitter for the other residents.

Adele currently has a fortune of 150 million pounds, and was for many years the richest young singer in the country. She recently divorced businessman Simon Konecki and moved to Los Angeles, starting a completely different life. The female singer lost weight, went to the gym, had therapy and made friends with Hollywood artists.

A friend of the Someone Like You singer revealed that, right now, all Adele wants is to escape her old self, old sadnesses and failed relationships in the past, including with her father. and with ex-husband Simon Konecki.

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