After succeeding in the role of Princess Diana, Kristen Stewart “gained momentum” and immediately created a new, more impressive turning point.

Currently, the role of Princess Diana in the new movie “Spencer” is helping Kristen Stewart’s acting career advance, “gaining momentum”, Stewart immediately created a new, more impressive turning point.

The turning point in Kristen Stewart’s career

Kristen Stewart is currently preparing for her debut film project as a female director, which is a film adapted from the famous memoir “The Chronology Of Water”. .

Currently, Stewart is looking for actors for this film. She revealed information about this film project in a recent interview, just waiting to find the right cast before the film will begin filming: “We are recruiting actors. Everything is being coordinated.” together.
Successful as Princess Diana, Kristen Stewart became a director - 1Kristen Stewart is currently preparing for her debut film project as a female director (Photo: New York Post).

My collaborators have been thinking about this project with me for a long time, I am very excited and anxious to make this film, but everything has its time and work is being done one by one. proceed sequentially. There are things that take me a decade to complete.”

Still, Stewart is pleased that she has had the time needed to develop her ideas: “Currently, we are looking for an actress to play the female lead Lidia Yuknavitch.”

Sharing about the film’s budget, Stewart said: “We don’t need a lot of money to make this film. In fact, this will be a low-budget film. This is exactly the type of film project I’ve ever had.” I want to participate when I’m younger than now.”

With her first film project as a female director, will Stewart give herself a small role in the film? She affirmed that she absolutely would not appear in a film she directed.

“The Chronology Of Water” is the memoir of former American swimmer Lidia Yuknavitch (currently 58 years old). When she was young, Lidia was expected to get a position on the US national swimming team. , but then addiction to alcohol and stimulants caused Ms. Lidia’s sports career to soon end.
Successful as Princess Diana, Kristen Stewart became a director - 2With her first film project as a female director, will Stewart give herself a small role in the film? (Photo: New York Post).

In young Lidia’s personal life, there were also many tragedies. Her father was a hot-tempered person, prone to uncontrollable rages. Her mother was addicted to alcohol and many times had an affair. suicidal intention. Lidia found opportunity in swimming with the possibility of becoming a professional athlete, but addiction to alcohol and illegal drugs ended it all.

After that, Lidia’s youthful years witnessed chaos, indulgence, and occasional love affairs with both men and women, which she considered a spiritual medicine to forget the pain and disappointments. fail in life.

But this forgetfulness did not last long. It was her writing and teaching career, along with the love of her husband and children, that saved Lidia, allowing her to gradually become a balanced woman in life.

The successful role helped boost Kristen Stewart’s career

Currently, Kristen Stewart is receiving a lot of praise for her role as Princess Diana in the movie “Spencer”. Actress Kristen Stewart said that she had strange emotions when taking on the role of Princess Diana in the movie “Spencer”.

Stewart feels an energetic connection to the character she portrays. Stewart also always wondered if the late Princess Diana could see herself transforming into a princess in this new movie.
Successful as Princess Diana, Kristen Stewart became a director - 3Currently, Kristen Stewart is receiving a lot of praise for her role as Princess Diana in the movie “Spencer” (Photo: New York Post).

In a recent interview with The Guardian news (UK), Kristen Stewart (31 years old) said she believes in the energy connection when an actor incarnates a real character. Stewart herself had strange experiences when taking on the role of Princess Diana in the new film that is attracting attention – the movie “Spencer”:

“When playing the role of Princess Diana, I received energy from her. That was my true feeling when taking on this role. I felt the remaining energies of the late Princess. and I receive that energy to play the role.

I know what I said sounds weird, but that’s exactly what I felt on set. I kept asking myself: What would the princess think about this role? Will the princess see me?

Taking on this role is a whole-body coordination exercise, from body language to expressions, these are all very unique features of the princess that I need to master and be very skilled at, to Then you can combine all of those things at the same time and create a version that looks like a princess but also has a new, cinematic look.”

The content of the movie “Spencer” focuses on the Christmas season of 1991. The film’s story mixes real details and fictional details, thereby portraying the deeply broken marriage between Princess Diana and her husband. Prince Charles, at this time witnessed the last “drops of tears” before the marriage came to an end.

The film project “Spencer” once caused controversy when giving the role of Princess Diana to Kristen Stewart. Many people thought that Stewart’s style was not suitable for the role, but as soon as the film’s trailer was released, everyone was shocked. enthusiastically acknowledged that Stewart indeed has the charisma of Princess Diana and makes the character attractive, worthy of the public’s wait and expectations.

At that time, Forbes magazine had early commented that Stewart would be a bright candidate in the Best Actress category at the 2022 Oscars. After the film was released, Variety magazine declared: “There have been many discussions . ” Critics at the Venice Film Festival said that this role would help Stewart get his first Oscar nomination in his career.
Successful as Princess Diana, Kristen Stewart became a director - 4Forbes magazine at that time still early determined that Stewart would be a bright candidate in the Best Actress category at the 2022 Oscars (Photo: New York Post).

On the film review site Rotten Tomatoes , critics gave many positive comments to the film with a positive score of 7.9/10 points. Comments about the film were written as follows: “The movie “Spencer” was thought to make people angry. Viewers feel bored with content that has been exploited too much before, but actress Kristen Stewart has delivered an impressive performance that makes viewers see both real characters and events and real events. find the whole fantasy strange and attractive”.

The Hollywood Reporter film news newspaper gave a lot of praise to Stewart’s role playing and assessed that “the success or failure of the film rests on Stewart’s shoulders and this actress has been extremely dedicated to her role.” film, to make even the odd and over-the-top scenes into subtle and engaging moments.”

The Daily Telegraph also believes that Stewart will be a name constantly mentioned in the 2022 film awards season for her role in “Spencer”. She boldly took on a difficult role with many challenges.

It all seemed like an impossible task, but then the 31-year-old actress, who was criticized a lot by critics for her popular role in the “Twilight” movie series, showed her true acting ability. his formidable.

In response to the many compliments she has received, Kristen Stewart said she still has one regret about playing Princess Diana in the movie “Spencer”.

At the age of 31, Stewart is only one year older than Princess Diana’s age in the movie. However, in the movie, Princess Diana was the mother of two sons, but in real life, Stewart has never experienced it. motherhood. This makes her feel a bit regretful: “I’m not a mother yet. That’s what makes me feel uncomfortable about playing the role of Princess Diana,” Stewart shared.