Cats grow wings, snakes have legs and the top most deformed animals on earth

The colorful nature contains many surprises that people can hardly believe. Like the strange animals below, some even go against the laws of nature.

Thorny devil lizards are strange-looking animals, they possess thorny bodies and a “false head” to distract predators. Thanks to their sand-colored bodies, they can camouflage in the desert easily.

Zebra-thighed deer are shaped like donkeys, with striped thighs and hind legs and a long neck. This is a rare and endangered animal.

Snakes with extremely strange legs suddenly appeared in China. However, experts still do not know the cause of this unusual mutation that causes snakes to grow legs.

This special kangaroo, thanks to a genetic mutation, has unusually white fur. Forest rangers have kept the kangaroo’s location a secret out of fear it could be the target of many predators.

A cat in China suddenly grew two wings, the wings even had bones. According to experts, reports of winged cats date back to the late 1800s, and some even had very elastic skin.

Blue parrotfish is a blue-colored fish in the parrotfish family, belonging to the genus Scarus. People discovered this fish in the Atlantic Ocean. Adults have large, parrot-like snouts.

The Bush Viper (Atheris) is a snake with strange colors and sharp, hard fins on its body. In addition to their strange scales, they have the ability to change their body color to blend in with the surrounding environment to hide from enemies or deceive prey.

Pacu fish is a freshwater fish from South America. They have straight, block-shaped teeth and a structure similar to human teeth. Pacu fish have a strange hobby of eating human testicles due to confusion with a type of seed they like.

Manatees live at the bottom of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. They often find food from sediment on the seabed.

An extremely monstrous one-eyed albino shark suddenly appeared off the coast of Mexico. Veterinarians said the shark suffered from a rare syndrome called cyclopia, which occurs in a number of animals, even humans. However, these mutant individuals have difficulty surviving in the wild.

The Indian purple frog or pig-nosed frog is a purple frog with a strange shape. According to scientists, they appeared on earth millions of years ago. However, they dig burrows and live underground and rarely appear, so people did not know about their existence for a very long time.

The Emperor Tamarin is a mammal found in the southwestern Amazon basin, eastern Peru, northern Bolivia, and in some states of Brazil. They are characterized by a long white mustache that curls and even extends to the sides.

Tarsier is an animal that lives in South Asia. They have large, bulging eyes and an extremely bizarre brain size and weight.