She is one of the most popular artists of her generation. Sometimes an actress, sometimes a singer, Ariana Grande continues to influence the world. And a recent study confirms that when it comes to tattoos, eyes are on her.
We can no longer count the hits to her credit, and her acting career is in full swing… Ariana Grande is a true icon to the point that some fans really get under her skin. Indeed, the singer would be the most influential personality when it comes to tattoos. Many people are inspired by his designs on the skin for their own body designs.
Ariana Grande would be placed far ahead of Harry Styles or Justin Bieber, who nevertheless does not fail to inspire their fans in the choice of their indelible ink design.
According to the study conducted by the learning platform Preply, which analyzed global Google search data, Ariana Grande is the most inspiring personality when it comes to tattoos with more than 1.3 million searches per year.
It must be said that the superstar is a model in this area since she has more than 50 tattoos on her own body.
And the fans love the singer of “No Tears Left To Cry” so much that they come to engrave the lyrics of her titles, quotes from the singer, even her first name on their skin. Just after her, we find Harry Styles and Justin Bieber who come in second and third positions with 1,096,680 and 1,091,880 annual searches.