Prior to the appearance of the baby’s surprise head, the student was unaware that she was pregnant.
Ellie Johnson, a history student, had been suffering from a for several months and suspected that she was carrying a disease. When she gave delivery unexpectedly, she didn’t expect that to be a baby and just realized it when the baby’s head appeared.
Ellie, 24, was taking the pill and claims that she didn’t have any sex while unknowingly pregnant. Moreover, there were no indicators of pregnancy or morning sickness. Even though she performed three pregnancy tests, they were all negative.
Everyone finds one item to be ridiculous. Ellie’s also caused her to undergo a ultrasounᴅ two days before giving birth, where, once more, she alleges physicians failed to detect the pregnancy.
I didn’t find out I was pregnant until I was giving birth,’ Ellie admitted. she was traveling on the contraceptive pill. Over the entirety of my pregnancy, I continued to take it on a daily basis. Really, I didn’t have any symptoms.
she didn’t have an u or anything like, but she was still getting periods every month. she and her companions were frequent wine drinkers. she was making the four-hour round drive to the university each day while she commuted there four times a week. she didn’t really stop because she was also commuting to a volunteer position one day per week and working two retail jobs. she was constantly on the run. she might not be active, negatively harming the infant if she knew the baby was in her life.
The single mother consulted a gastroenterologist the month after her first visit to the clinic in september 2018. Once more, Ellie asserts that she underwent testing and that none of the results suggested that she was pregnant.
I just began visiting the doctor because I experienced stomach pain, felt really uncomfortable, and thought I was gaining weight. I took a home pregnancy test and immediately thought, “Well, that’s negative, it can’t be that,” and six different medical professionals confirmed that I wasn’t expecting. I visited the doctor, who examined me, ordered several tests, and gave me a pregnancy test while I was there. The result was negative.Ellie alleges she underwent an ultrasound of her stomach and ribcage on December 20, 2018, and the technician said everything looked fine.
she went out for supper and cocktails the following day to celebrate her grandmother’s birthday, but when she went to bed at around 10 o’clock, she began to feel sick to her stomach and back. Ellie and her mother phoned a ambulance and she was rushed to the hospital after she had been throwing up for four hours.
Then the pain got there. Doctors and nurses examined Ellie as she was lying on the bed; they then noticed her child’s head starting to crown. she recalled, “I didn’t quite believe it, I thought I was hallucinating at that point as well because of the pain and then I had this bundle put next to me and cuddled up with me, and there was a small baby face.”
Little Alicia Johnson, who was estimated to be 37 weeks pregnant, was delivered at 5:40 am on December 22, 2018, weighing 6 lbs. Ellie is overjoyed despite the fact that that was disappointing to her and her family. Because the baby’s back was pressing against her spine during the scan, she thinks her pregnancy went undetected, and using the pill prevented testing from detecting it.
“Alicia is a cyclone of energy, and that is the only way I can describe her,” I said. she is a real fighter; there was nothing wrong with her, and we like to say that the pregnancy pickled her. But, she is amazing, brilliant, and just 11 months old when she first learns to walk. Her absence from my life is now unimaginable. It’s craᴢy.’ she stated