This dad sleeps downstairs with his old dog so that he is not lonely

Nine years ago the Morris’ family fostered a dog called Spike and claimed that he was a dog who will only live downstairs. But they planned this without Spike, who is an English springer spaniel.

Morris informed that the first night in which they got him in they closed the stairway and went so sleep. As a result of this Spike whined for a short period of time before he made the choice to jump over the gate and dogtrotted straight to his parents room and got right on the bed to join them. And from this day on his parent’s bed was his new favorite sleeping spot.


Today, 14-year-old Spike is much slower in his actions than before. His family was afraid that Spike might die because he had two strokes. But luckily Spike recovered and didn’t leave them.


After the second stroke Spike wasn’t able to stand for days, so his lovely family certainly took him everywhere he wanted to go in the house. Thankfully Spike was strong-headed, therefore he got better and learned how to walk again.

At the same time Spike unfortunately isn’t able to walk up the stairs again yet, therefore he can’t sleep at his favorite place.


Everybody knew that his weak legs won’t stop Spike from walking up the stairs to sleep with his parents. Therefore they put a stair gate, so that Spike wasn’t able to pass and at this time they had a great idea to make Spike happy again.

The family does everything to see Spike happy and satisfied, therefore every night another member of the family sleeps with him on the sofa, in order that he doesn’t try jumping over the stair gate. Now the three members of the Morris’ family rotate every night so that everybody is able to get enough sleep.

His dad takes specific care of Spike in order for him to be comfortable while sleeping.


Spike and his dad are an absolute dream team and inseparable. They always chat with each other and his dad gave him his cute nickname “old bean”.
Spike’s dad makes sure that he’s taking all his medicines by feeding him personally by hand and bringing him water and his favorite snacks to the couch.

It’s obvious that Spike’s love for his family is endless, and his family would sacrifice everything they have for Spike’s happiness in his remaining years.

His family is pleased that they have found a dog like Spike and that he joined their lives.

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