Two weeks ago, a 180-pound Saint Bernard named Jazzy escaped from her Belen, N.M., yard and ended up stuck in a ditch filled with mud for nearly 18 hours.
Jazzy is probably alive today thanks to her buddy Razor, a Dachshund who’s barely a foot tall.
“I went to feed [Razor], and he was kind of going crazy, trying to get my attention,” Tim Chavez, dog dad of Jazzy and Razor, told KRQE Feb. 18. He said his neighbor also noticed that Razor “was kind of running amok, and just causing a scene and trying to get his attention.”
Just as Lassie once led rescuers to Timmy in the well, Razor ran to the ditch. After a call to 911, eight Belen police officers and firefighters arrived and pulled Jazzy out, using a board and straps as they would for a human. She wasn’t seriously hurt.
“It’s never happened in my career, and in this business, we see a lot of things,” Belen Fire Chief Manny Garcia told KRQE. “We’re used to rescuing humans, and when it comes to somebody’s pet, it’s just like a family member.”
Chavez said he is grateful to have Jazzy back. “You don’t really realize how attached you are to your pets until something like this happens,” he told KRQE.
During the Baleen city council meeting last night, Razor was honored with a Medal of Valor for his “unknowingly valiant effort.” He was also presented with a rawhide bone that was almost as big as he is.
Capt. Joe Saiz of the Baleen fire department told KOAT he was inspired by Razor.
“Everybody should be doing stuff like this,” Saiz said. “If everybody gives a little, it’s going to make this world a better place.”
Another of Chavez’s dogs, a brown-and-white Pit Bull named Layla, escaped from the yard with Jazzy, but hasn’t yet been found. Razor, get help!
Photos via YouTube