Loyal dog sacrificed his own life to save owners from home intruder

Loyal dog sacrificed his own life to save owners from home intruder

There are not any doubts about the loyalty and love our dogs have for his or her humans, and although the subsequent account is tragic, this loyal dog was a hero and made a difference we will celebrate; he sacrificed his own life to save lots of his family.

It happened in Merauke, Indonesia when Achy Wijaya awakened in the morning to get his dog lying nearly lifeless in the yard of their home. Achy heard him barking the night before.

According to NtdNews, Achy was devastated when he found out his dog had been intentionally poisoned:

“They did not rob us due to our pet dog kept barking,” Achy wrote on her Facebook page.

“We only acknowledged once we went out of the house within the morning. We saw that our dog had been poisoned by the thieves.”

As the tragic facts were collected, the family said that they had been asleep when a gang of thieves planned to rob their home.

Their dog began to bark frantically, but nobody bothered to urge up and check – thinking the dog had spotted a cat.

Suddenly, the dog stopped barking, and it had been subsequent morning the dog was found near death – lying in the vomit with a mouthful of froth – indicative of getting been poisoned.

“We wanted to require him to the vet, but we sleep in Papua and therefore the vet usually only deals with livestock . Besides, it had been also a Sunday, therefore the vet’s clinic was closed also ,” Achy wrote.

The family tried to assist their dog – making him drink milk, oil and coconut milk, but he died.

And because the brokenhearted Achy mourned the death of his dog who sacrificed his own life to save lots of his family, Achy videoed his brave dog’s last moments – to honor his pet’s life and to warn others to concentrate when their dogs bark.

Rest in peace, poor little guy.

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