The smallest tiger on our planet is the Sumatran tiger, with a weight of 75 to 150kg, and this weight is equivalent to, or even lighter than, many dog breeds on our planet.
Dogs are popular family pets, with slim bodies, fast runners, strong reflexes, and are very easy to train and sociable animals.
According to data from the International Dog Breed Federation, there are currently more than 400 dog breeds in the world and each dog breed has its own characteristics and attributes such as length, height, weight, coat color, personality, etc. .
A dog is an active animal with a strong body, well-developed muscles and very sharp senses such as sight, smell and hearing. They can interact with their surroundings through touch, sight, smell, sound,…
In addition, dogs are also good learning and working animals, able to show their talents in many fields such as guide dogs, police dogs, search and rescue dogs, sheepdogs, hunting dogs…
Dogs are also divided into many different sizes and types, usually small dogs, medium dogs and large dogs according to their weight and height.
Small dogs like Chihuahuas and Yorkshire terriers typically weigh between 1.5 and 5 pounds, medium-sized dogs like border collies, German shepherds, and golden retrievers weigh between 15 and 40 pounds, and Large dogs like Rottweilers, Tibetan Mastiffs, etc. often weigh more than 40 pounds.
Canids are a family of Carnivores in the class of mammals. This family includes species such as dogs, wolves, foxes, coyotes and jackals. All of these animals walk on tiptoes, they all have long snouts, pointed ears, sharp fangs, sensitive sense of smell, slim and agile bodies.
The world’s largest dog breed is the Great Dane, usually 70 to 80 cm tall, can reach a height of 1 meter or more and weigh from 45 to 90 kg.
The Great Dane has a big, long, wide head, strong jaw and jawbone, and wide lips. Their body structure is tall and muscular, with graceful body lines. The Great Dane has a high forehead, big round eyes, long and wide ears and a long, curved tail.
Great Danes have many different coat colors, which can be black, gray, spotted, white, yellow, etc. Their personalities are often gentle, friendly and very loyal to their owners, so they are ideal family pets. family.
Due to their large size, they need a lot of space to move around, regular exercise, hygiene measures and special food to ensure their health and longevity.
Although a dog is a very strong and agile animal, it cannot compare to a tiger. Tigers are very strong carnivores and the largest cats in the world, considered the king of terrestrial carnivores.
The largest tiger is the Siberian tiger, with an average weight of 250-350 kg, while the smallest tiger is the Sumatran tiger, with an average weight of 75-150 kg.
Modern tigers can be divided into 9 subspecies, which are: Siberian tiger, South China tiger, Bengal tiger, Indochinese tiger, Malayan tiger, Sumatran tiger, Java tiger, Bali tiger, Caspian tiger. Among these 9 types of tigers, tiger subspecies living inland will have larger bodies than tigers living on islands.
Tigers are usually very quiet and reserved animals, but they can quickly demonstrate their great strength and speed when hunting and defending.
Tigers can jump, swim, run, etc. Their bodies are very strong, their head bones are wide and hard. The tiger’s reaction speed is extremely fast, able to give accurate responses in an extremely short time.
The tiger’s teeth and claws are very sharp, can knock down and kill its prey instantly, so it is considered one of the strongest beasts on our planet.
International mainstream theory believes that tigers were born on Earth about 2 million years ago, and by 110,000 years ago, they rapidly distributed on the Asian continent, experiencing habitat isolation, transformation climate, genetic drift and natural selection… and gradually differentiated into many subspecies.
Even though the largest dog breed and the smallest tiger breed are almost equal in size, a dog cannot defeat a tiger because the tiger’s bone structure and body are very strong, and their teeth and claws are also very strong. very sharp.
In a fight with a tiger, a dog will not have enough size and strength to dominate, so it will be easily defeated by the tiger. At the same time, tigers also have very strong defenses. When facing any enemy, they can be vigilant. Once attacked, they can also react quickly.
The Tibetan Mastiff is known as the “snow mountain lion” or “lord of the steppe”. This breed of dog was described by Western explorers in the most detailed terms: “Bigger than wolves, stronger than leopards and faster than deer.” However, when they encounter tigers, they still have to die as usual.
Overall, dogs and tigers are wonderful animals and they play important roles in different aspects. Whether they are pets or wild animals, they make the most of their talents and skills to gain certain advantages in their living areas.
Each breed has its own characteristics and attributes that make dogs and tigers the most loved and appreciated animals in nature.