Many people think it’s due to sunburn, but the truth will make everyone “fall backwards”.
Hippos are considered the most ferocious and dangerous animals in Africa. On average, about 2,900 people die each year due to hippopotamuses, a much larger number than cases caused by famous “bloodthirsty” predators like sharks.
The reason is because hippos are extremely hot-tempered and easily lose control. Whenever the hippo feels an intrusion, it will frantically fight back and can even destroy the stray.
Despite its bad reputation, it cannot be denied that the hippo’s chubby and ticklish appearance is an advantage that attracts many fans to this animal.
They are amphibians because they spend up to 16 hours a day in water. Hippos are very large animals and are the third largest land mammal today, after elephants and white rhinos.
They can reach 3.3 – 5 m in length and up to 1.6 m high at the shoulder. The average female weighs about 1,400 kg, while the male weighs between 1,600 – 4,500 kg.
In complete contrast to the shy, gentle personality of common herbivores, hippos are one of the most dangerous species in Africa with the number one aggression in the world.
This creature’s weapon lies in its “earth-shaking” strength, along with its large teeth and tusks used to fight off threats, including humans.
But the special feature of hippos is their skin. Although they are mammals, hippos have very little hair. In return, this animal equips itself with skin up to 6 cm thick.
It is very difficult for wild predators to bite through this super thick skin and eat hippo meat. But if the epidermis is thick and not protected, it will only cause sunburn. Compared to other mammals, hippos sweat 7 times faster. That’s why they spend all day soaking in water.
Clip source: Maasai Sightings.
Tourist Dean Grant during his trip recorded an extremely funny scene of a group of hippos looking for a place to cool their bodies.
Accordingly, a herd of hippos numbering up to dozens of animals suffered serious dehydration after experiencing the harsh heat of the African weather. That’s why Dean thought the pink-red hippos were sunburned and was extremely surprised by their strange appearance.
In fact, that red stain is not sunburn or hippopotamus blood. People often call this liquid “blood sweat”, but it is actually not blood or sweat but a highly acidic fluid. It acts as a mucus layer that inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and absorbs ultraviolet rays.
Scientists have found that the substance is made up of two pigments, a red pigment (hipposudoric acid) and an orange pigment (norhipposudoric acid), which are produced by the metabolism of amino acids.
The combination of these two acids plays a big role in hippo health. They are not only considered a natural sunscreen and moisturizer for sensitive skin, but also have antibacterial properties for the skin every time the hippo is soaked in water.