Dog with paralysis dragged her legs for miles in the hope that someone would assist her.

Poppy is a young dog who, as a result of having her spine crushed when she was a puppy, has permanent paralysis in her hind legs.

Nobody knows how this occurred, but over the next weeks or even months, she coped with it on her own before dragging herself for kilometres in search of someone who might assist her…

When people watched her coming towards them in such a painfully slow manner, they were taken aback and horrified when they saw her. Susanne Vogel, who is employed at an elephant study camp located in the northern Okavango area of Botswana, was one of those individuals.

Vogel told The Dodo that “she came crawling, actually crawling” when describing her arrival. “The camp is in a secluded zone loaded with elephants, but also lions, hyenas, and other predators,” noted Vogel. “The area is filled with a variety of animals.” “Poppy had arrived at our location in some way.”

They brought her to the veterinarian, where they learned that Poppy requires extensive and perhaps life-threatening surgery on her spine. Now that the procedure is approaching closer, Poppy is growing stronger every day in preparation for it.

Amanda Stronza, one of Voguel’s colleagues, told Bored Panda that “she already has so many individuals all around the globe that are anxious to see a positive conclusion, namely adoption into a loving family.” Either she will recover the ability to walk or she will get wheels to assist her in getting about. “She will get well”

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