Meet Winnie, The Beautiful Cocker Spaniel The Internet Has Become Obsessed With

Some individuals are of the opinion that all you need to do is look into someone’s eyes to discover all there is to know about that person.

We don’t know whether that’s true, but we’d be prepared to put that hypothesis to the test by spending a few hours gazing into the wonderful eyes of Winnie the Cocker Spaniel.

The cute puppy is just three months old, but the internet has already fallen in love with her, with more than 230,000 people following her on Instagram, and we are confident that her eyes are going to capture the hearts of many more people in the months to come.

Winnie is a cocker spaniel that has eyes that are so stunning that they have the internet completely bewitched.

She’s been likened to a princess from Disney, and we can’t help but see the similarities.

Those eyes are undeniably reminiscent of something that might have been plucked from a fairy tale.

Winnie has already amassed more than 230,000 followers on Instagram despite the fact that she has only been around for a little over three months.

We could spend the whole day gazing into those enormous eyes. Okay, let’s just call off all of our other plans, shall we?

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