Police find more than 160 puppies crammed into a small 30-meter apartment

In different parts of the world, all kinds of birds, dogs and cats are seen crowded into obnoxious spaces.

They eat (if they are fed) and sleep in the same place where they relieve themselves, regardless of their size, waiting to have a home.

Animals in this situation have even been known to end up devouring each other, and when they are no longer needed they are left still alive on the street or in garbage collection
tanks. There are even heartless people who take them as their disposable merchandise, which expires in their cages when it is no longer profitable.

In the city of Izumo, Japan, a large group of puppies were found in the most absolute misery, inside a residence of just 30 square meters.

The place was dirty, with the floor covered in excrement. The smell that emanated from the place was so nauseating that you could hardly breathe. According to the group of local animal activists who attended the scene, this is one of the most serious cases of animal confinement that have occurred in the country of the Rising Sun.

Upon receiving the anonymous alert call, the Police appeared for the second time at the site that would be equivalent to a one-room apartment.

No less than 164 canines lived there in total anarchy and unhealthiness.

It has been seven years since the police visited the place as a result of the first complaints , however, on that occasion the owner of the apartment did not allow them access. Now, however, the situation was very different.

“We managed to save 164 puppies that were literally stacked one on top of the other, in an enclosure of just 30 square meters of surface,” the authorities said.

According to what was reported by the Dobutsukikin animal group, the accumulation of pets in this residence was discovered last month , after several residents of the sector complained about the noise and the bad smell. And, of course, what could the poor dogs do, one on top of the other and practically unable to move?

“The entire floor was full of dogs, on the shelves, shelves and furniture, and you could see that the entire floor space was covered in droppings,” described one of the volunteers.

The house was inhabited by three people, who excused themselves to the officers arguing that they did not have sufficient financial means to pay for the sterilization of the female dogs, so they continued to raise puppies until the number of furry ones became astronomical.

However, this time those responsible willingly agreed to hand them over to the Dobutsukikin organization , which will manage everything necessary to provide these little animals with the necessary medical care, before relocating them to permanent adoptive homes.

Share this story to raise your voice and raise awareness. It is necessary once and for all for the world to understand that all little animals, regardless of their species, are living sentient beings. Situations of negligence like these are inexcusable.

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