Although they do not speak our same language, there is no doubt that puppies are capable of understanding us. Whether by the tone of voice or by our gestures, they know very well when their owners are angry and even more so if they have been the cause of the annoyance.

It is at that moment that they know very well how to convince us of their repentance and their best artistic skills come out.

What pup hasn’t ever put on his best sorry face at his owner?

On this occasion, a girl named Majo Arrascue shared the theater that her furry man puts on every time the time comes to get his attention. Although the puppy is generally calm, there are times when he surprises his owner with some mischief and it seems that something of this nature had happened in the recording.

In the corner of a room and without turning his face to the girl, the puppy hides ashamed of what had happened.

The poor man felt guilty and didn’t want his human to scold him any more, so he had no choice but to demonstrate.

“Look, look what you’ve done,” insists the young woman while holding the pieces of some plant in a dustpan. It seems that the puppy destroyed a small plant in the house but does not want to turn around , much less take responsibility.

He knows he misbehaved, but he can’t stand his owner judging him that way or raising her voice at him. In fact, although the publication of the video caused laughter to many, there were those who expressed their rejection of something that they classified as “abuse”.

“The puppy’s nervousness shows that he is scared, they sure treat him badly,” wrote one user.

However, many came out to refute him because whoever has a bloodhound at home knows perfectly well the attitude they take when they know they have done something wrong. In fact, in the recording the young woman is heard laughing while she questions the dog.

But this one doesn’t even show his face.

It seems that Firulais perfectly understands what has happened and that is why more than one netizen did not miss the opportunity to joke about the video.

Although the girl insists, if there is something that is clear to us, it is that this furry guy will never admit his guilt. In fact, Majo even gently shoves him to make him turn his face away but Firulais looks like a statue against the wall.

In the few seconds that the recording lasts we can’t even see his face, much less his guilty eyes.

There is no doubt that he is responsible for the disaster on the shovel, since every hound lieutenant knows perfectly well that act of denial.

The funny thing here is the reaction of the puppy that, like a scolded child, goes to the punishment corner and starts looking at the wall. He does not want to face his mother, but he is not a common dog that hides under the bed when they do something, no!

This furry one has a more original repentance ritual.

And this is how he transforms mom’s anger into a funny moment that makes her laugh and leads her to post the video on her social networks. If we interpret it this way, perhaps it’s worth saying that this furry guy is smarter than we think and was able to turn the reprimand into an occasion of laughter and tenderness for everyone.

Well done, Firulais, you’ve already been saved from punishment and now mom will spoil you to look at her.