While the owner was at the post office, the dog froze outside at -20. Passer-by couldn’t get past

Animals, like most people, don’t like the cold. Of course, wool is additional protection against low temperatures, but if the temperature drops sharply below zero, it does not guarantee that the animal will easily survive the winter. It is especially hard for domestic dogs, who are accustomed to warmth.

The hero of this story is a man who, passing by a dog sitting on the sidewalk, noticed that the animal was shivering from the cold. The dog was tied up not far from the post office and could not hide from the cold and wind or even just run around to get a little warm. Probably, the owner of the animal went to the post office and spent a lot of time there, completely not thinking that the frost approaching -20 degrees could seriously harm his pet.

But a random passer-by thought about it. He sat down next to the dog and started hugging him, trying to warm him up a bit. The stranger sat with the dog until the negligent owner returned. It is not known how the animal would survive the cold without the warm embrace of a stranger.

Don’t leave your four-legged friends outside in the winter, remember that severe hypothermia can seriously damage their health.

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